About Donald

A true destination seeker, daredevil, and dreamer

Sups Dudes, I'm Donald

This not your typical buzz feed “Top 10 things to do in…”  or a “I took pictures for Instagram all on the 1st day then DoorDash some food to to the AirBnb” blog. I am really out here in the streets learning, experiencing, and having fun. I love being out late and waking up early. This is because I want to make the most out of my trip…make the most out of my money.

I gotta keep it real with you, I am not silver spoon baby, nor do I have an inheritance. I do not have a rental property nor do I have dividend investments. I am just a dude who worked hard and saved up his money through blood, sweat, and tears.

What was I doing before traveling?

I was born and raised in west Texas. Moved to central Texas to attended Texas State University. I was there from 2016-2020 and when I finally graduated with a Bachelor’s of science in Biology with a minor in Chemistry, I was so relived. 

Prior to university I really didn’t travel that much. We had family trips every now and then but I could count those trips all on one hand growing up. I fell in love with traveling while I was in school.

I would sit in my lecture halls day dreaming about my next destination, my next adventure. Before graduation I had traveled to 11 different states. Texas, New York, colorado, Oregon, Washington, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arizona, and New Mexico. I had a blast in every state…besides New York but that’s a story for another day.

After graduating University, I went straight into the workforce. A whopping $14 an hour with a buttload of debt, stress, and uncertainty in the air. I was battling against high rent, high food prices, a virus that shut down the world, and the challenges of being a “grown adult.” At the time however, you couldn’t tell me nothing! I was having a blast, but travel still was in the back of my mind…lingering. 

I did it...I quit.

After job hopping around for four years, partying, and discovering how to be a young adult, I did it. I quit!

I had a decent savings at the time, well what I deemed to be decent, to go pursue my dreams of seeing the world before its all over. After nine different jobs, 1,461 days, endless nights tossing and turning, multiple friend trips and friendships…I could finally go.

The biggest huddle was money (Isn’t it always). Money was easy come easy go… Big emphasis on the “easy go” part. The world was spiraling out of control, rising inflation that was keep on getting higher and higher, deforestation of the lands, farmlands on fire, and the sea levels rising. It was the beginning to the end I thought.


Throughout the four years, it was very hard to save up and stay disciplined. I sold/gave away most of everything I owned and turned in my resignation to my comfortable salary job now this job was my highest paying job ever, and it was pretty easy going too.

I could feel my heart dropped into my stomach when I handed that piece of paper to my manager. There’s no going back after this.


"Fear is the mind killer. Fear is a little death that brings obliteration. I will face my fear, and I will permit it to passover me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye, to see its path where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

-Frank Herbert, Dune Part One

Now I get to live out my dreams

Once I made the jump I realized that the only thing that will hold me back is myself. So I decide right then right there to dedicate an unholy amount of time learning how to write, be a better storyteller, record video, and show my activities to you all.


I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but until then, I will enjoy this day, so now is the time to accomplish your goals, tackle your fears, and live out your dreams.

Donald Bowman
Vlogging Channel
Where I show my day to day activities
Donald's Destinations
Wallking Videos
I walk through part of the cities that I am in and show you it all
Donald's Destinations
Photos of my travels
Quick snapshots and little videos about my travels
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Donald's Destinations
Walking Videos and updates
I walk through part of the cities that I am in and show you it all plus some status updates
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