Discover a Destination

with Donald

Donald is currently in :Guatemala

Discover Donald

I’m just a dreamer from a small town in Texas, that never in a million years expected to end up here. During my 9-5 job, I felt empty, abused, overworked, and most importantly not cared for. I knew I needed to just get up and leave, but the fear of the unknown haunted me.

While I was at my job for 8+ hours a day I kept saying to myself “why not me” “why can’t I travel?” “Will I be able to see the world before it’s all over?” In those moments I realized that traveling would be my only goal.

I decided to leave my job(s) after 4 years of working, saving, and planning. I decided that I can travel, that I can see the world, that traveling is for me. After all that time I am blessed and pleased that I get the opportunity to travel and share it with you.

Desperate Need of some help

On my very 1st flight ever I lost my phone and my wallet In the airport. After hours of searching the last known location and hours of panic I gave up. “How am I going to pay for things?” “How am I going to contact someone if I need help?” I was in desperate need of some direction on the next steps to take.

On my 2nd flight ever I selected every upgrade, insurance, and selections I could possibly afford as a broke college student. To a young adult, a four digit price tag for a domestic 3 hour for flight felt like I was exhausting my savings. I wished I had the experience I had now, because that same flight could have been brought for a 2 digits on the price tag.

On my 3rd flight ever I missed my flight by 30 minutes. The wasted travel opportunity, the wasted time, and thew wasted money was a feeling I will never forget and pray that I never will have to experience again.

“A wise man learns from the mistakes of others”

"Wherever you travel to, I would love to receive a beautiful postcard”

-Lailah Gifty Akita

My weekly postcards are a newsletter! They highlight my current country and my activities that I did that week.

Know my struggles and my successes throughout the week.

The best thing about it is that’s its FREE

Go get it by yourself

Never wait on anyone else to follow YOUR dreams. Solo traveling is calling your name; the group chat will never decide on an AirBnb, friends will never agree on the activities, and someone’s PTO always gets declined at the last minute throwing every other plan out of wack. 

Being by yourself on a trip can be lonely and scary at times, however the ability to go as you please and the opportunity to make new friends outweighs the all the lonely and scary feelings.

Being by yourself can develop you in ways that traveling with a group simply just can’t do. By the end of the trip you will have evolved into a new person, gotten out of your comfort zone, and expanded your horizons.

If dreams could pay the bills I would be a millionaire.

How can you afford to travel?

If you are reading this odds are you are not in European princess that plans on marrying some Duke of some foreign country or you are not a prince that is waiting on the next plot of land to be drilled for some oil

I have more than likely been in your shoes, trying to pay the ever skyrocketing rent as a young adult, or a broke color student that works part time at the Town’s grocery store. There’s no running away from the high prices. We are seeing and will continue to, but with the little patience and some smart choices you can travel.

Nice Comments that mean the world to me and keep me going

“Well I cannot change your mind because youre my most stubborn child; but please stay safe and update from now and then.”

“You know what I tell people; Go live your life and have fun, that’s what life is all about.”

You too, can leave me a comment to keep me going

What I am packing on my trips

One of the hardest things to do right before going on a trip is looking at your closet and just throwing your hands up in the air in disbelief because “you have nothing to wear”

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